Princeton, IN

Welcome Home ​
If you are in the area, please stop by to visit. It's always fun to take a walk, share stories, and connect with our extended camp family.
Join our new Camp Carson Alumni page!
Please take a minute to register, browse through photos, and engage with other Alumni. While you're there, also check out our online Camp Store!
Alumni Facebook Group​
Click here to join our Official Camp Carson Alumni Facebook group. Share stories, pictures, and catch up with Camp friends!​
Register as a Camp Carson Alum ​
We want to share Camp newsletters, events, & updates with you . Update your email address here or give us a call at 812-385-3597.
Camp Newsletters
Click HERE to see our digital newsletter, as well as previous newsletters you may have missed. If you are not receiving our newsletters by email, please email hpierce@ymcacampcarson.org or click here.​